How Important is your Resume?

Patrick Payne
May 27, 2023
5 min read

Your Resume is Important, But Not the Most Important Part of Your Job Search Strategy

There is no doubt that your resume is an important piece of landing your next job. You need one to apply to almost any job, and it’s a great way for companies to get to know you and your background. After all, you need something to hand over in an interview right? Spending time on it should be a focus of your job search strategy. 

However, it’s not the only, or most important piece of your job search strategy..

Here are three things you should ensure you have wired.

  1. Creating a clear job search strategy. At PopCandi, we talk about job search strategies a lot. We see it as the foundation for everything that comes after. Easiest way to explain it is taking some time to do some self-reflection and figure out what matters to you. Ask yourself: What kind of job are you looking for? What are your skills and experience? What are your salary requirements? Once you know what you want, you can start to develop a strategy for finding it.
  2. Building a strong online profile. Arguably, your online presence is just as important as your resume. Many Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)  are asking for profile links as alternatives to resume.  Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and includes all of your relevant work experience and skills. While being an influencer is not essential, making sure you have a post or two, and have updated profiles is key. 
  3. Leaning into your network. We can’t stress this enough.  Talk to your friends, family, and former colleagues about your job search, and ask them who they know! They might just know a recruiter at your dream company…so you might not have to submit your resume to the black hole that is an ATS! You can also attend networking events and meet new people who might be able to help you land your dream job.

Let’s be clear, we aren’t minimizing the importance of a clear, concise and well structured resume. It’s important. We are just saying it's not the only thing you will need to land your next job.

Additionally, leveraging sites like PopCandi are great ways to stand out from the crowd. Our PopCoaches have insider knowledge of the job market and can help you create a winning strategy to make your resume and your candidacy pop!

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